Put an Item on Hold
Go to the library catalog. Search the item you wish to request. On the top right of every item record, there is a blue box that says ‘Place Hold’. Click this link. Enter your barcode number from the back of your library card. Your PIN is either the last four digits of your phone number or it may be another, longer number. If you have questions about your PIN, please call the circulation desk at 845-358-3370 x211. Click login. The catalog will request that you choose a pickup location for your item, then click ‘Place Hold’. The next page will confirm that your request has been successful.
Renew my Items
Go to the library catalog. On the top right of the screen there is a link called ‘My Account’. When you click on it, a screen will pop up asking for your barcode number and a pin. Your PIN will be the last four digits of your phone number. You will see an overview of your account. There will be a tab labeled ‘Checkouts.’ Each item listed has a check box next to it on the left. Choose the items you want to renew by clicking on the boxes next to them. Then click on the ‘Renew’ button at the top of the list.
Go to the library catalog. Search the item you wish to request. On the top right of every item record, there is a blue box that says ‘Place Hold’. Click this link. Enter your barcode number from the back of your library card. Your PIN is either the last four digits of your phone number or it may be another, longer number. If you have questions about your PIN, please call the circulation desk at 845-358-3370 x211. Click login. The catalog will request that you choose a pickup location for your item, then click ‘Place Hold’. The next page will confirm that your request has been successful.
Renew my Items
Go to the library catalog. On the top right of the screen there is a link called ‘My Account’. When you click on it, a screen will pop up asking for your barcode number and a pin. Your PIN will be the last four digits of your phone number. You will see an overview of your account. There will be a tab labeled ‘Checkouts.’ Each item listed has a check box next to it on the left. Choose the items you want to renew by clicking on the boxes next to them. Then click on the ‘Renew’ button at the top of the list.